Data: White Sands National Monument This data is embargoed until the 25 April 2018 and is linked to the following publication: David Bustos, Jackson Jakeway, Tommy M. Urban, Vance T. Holliday, Brendan Fenerty, David A. Raichlen, Marcin Budka, Sally C. Reynolds, Bruce D. Allen, David W. Love, Vincent L. Santucci, Daniel Odess, P. Willey, H. Gregory McDonald, Matthew R. Bennett (2018). Footprints preserve terminal Pleistocene hunt? Human-sloth interactions in North America. Science Advances. File names relate to those used in the Supplementary Material for the above paper. Higher resolution ply or asc files for research purposes can be requested from the All data should be credited to the above paper: Bustos et al. (2018). The data can be viewed using the relevant html index file or a ply viewer. It is also suitable for editing in DigTrace ( If downloaded to your local machine these html files will only read using Firefox rather than Chrome. The web viewer is curtesy of: